Here's What You Get Today:
40+ private (never before seen) videos that give you the step-by-step instructions on how to catch more fish while wading than you ever imagined possible (so that you can maximize your time)
WHERE to find the best wade fishing spots for every season
The BEST times and tides to find speckled trout, flounder, redfish, snook, mackerel, and more...
WHAT lure or bait to use in every situation and season
HOW to best fish any wade fishing area (beaches, causeways, passes, flats/bays) like the pros (helping you catch more BIG fish than you ever imagined)
5 Free Bonus Videos
You'll receive Wader Dave's entire Wade Fishing Mastery Course so you can start finding and catching more fish year-round than you ever have before
You'll receive his EXACT pre-trip planning blueprint so you can find productive spots fast
You'll receive his 30+ years of wade fishing knowledge all in one simple to follow online course
Interactive Online Course so you can get access to ask questions to Dave and the rest of the community
UNLIMITED LIFETIME ACCESS (you only pay once even as we add videos and raise the price for anyone lucky enough to get the course in the future)
365-Day Risk-Free Trial. Catch More Fish Or It's FREE!
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Here Are The Free Bonuses You'll Receive If You Order Now

Wade Fishing Mastery (Special Offer)
Catch More Fish While Wading Than You Ever Imagined With Wader Dave's Exclusive Wade Fishing Mastery Blueprint. All Backed By A 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee.